
Kursor.js is a very simple library to configure, when instantiating the global variable kursor as a parameter we pass the options to create the cursor (mouse)


Change the theme of the kursor, as value is of type Number and at the moment there are only 5 types of cursors

new Kursor({
  type: 1 /* 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 */


By default Kursor is implemented inside the <body>, but if you only need the cursor(mouse) inside a specific element you can use the property (el)

As a value you need a String with the name of the id or the class an example would be something like this

<div class="myBox"></div>
new Kursor({
  el: '.myBox'


Remove the user's default cursor with exceptions in the input elements and some others

new Kursor({
  removeDefaultCursor: true


Change the color of the theme to the one provided, changing all its modalities to that color as (hover,mousedown)

Solo estan permitidos los colores RGB y HEX por ejemplo

  • rgb(0,0,0)
  • #fff
new Kursor({
  color: 'rgba(200,145,54)'

// OR

new Kursor({
  color: '#476582'