Quick-start CDN
Vuenut is a component created for all the developers of vuejs that we love the simplicity to implement vuenut in a simple frame you can add the cdn and ready vuenut does the magic.
Vuenut is a component based on Vuejs please before implementing it make sure that this our beloved vue in your big project.
Implementation by CDN
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Example Run
We are sure that you would love to see vuenut Operated so you can play with it and review its features and charms.
Detailed explanation of implementation
Sometimes there are complications or misunderstandings when we add a library or framework for the first time so because we do not review in detail the steps in case something happened to us
If you are familiar with the libraries terms and components of vuejs you can skip this little tutorial
First of all we have to add vue js so that everything can work perfectly
for this we add the line of code
1 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue"></script> |
After having incorporated vuejs we added the library so that we can implement the component
1 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/vuenut/dist/vuenut.umd.js"></script> |
We are ready with the js files but still one of the most important things our css styles that add the bellesa to our applications
1 | <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/vuenut/dist/vuenut.css"> |
All the external files are already added the most difficult is ready now let’s pay attention on how to add vuenut to our great project
- To implement vuenut we first add the vuenut tag with the parameter: store which is where we put the application store, in this case it is just a test variable if you want to learn more about vuex you can check the Official documentation
1 | <div id="app"> |