Divide text or section components with some great features and quick to implement
You can add a line to divide with the component vs-divider
You can add a text between the line to delimit two elements and have a description for the user.
You can guide the text in 5 ways with property position
)To add an icon within the division we have the property icon
Vuesax uses the Google Material Icons font library by default. For a list of all available icons, visit the official Material Icons page. Other icon libraries can be used by providing the class for the respective pack in the icon-pack property. ex. FA4 uses fa or fas, FA5 uses fas, far, or fal.
You can change line's style with the property border-style
. The allowed values are equivalent to the border-style
property in CSS.
Name | Type | Parameters | Description | default |
position | String | (left, left-center, right-center, right) | Determine the position of the text or icon. | center |
color | String | Change the color of the line and the text. | rgba(0,0,0.1) | |
background | String | Change the background color of the text. | transparent | |
icon | String | Icon Class | Add an icon instead of the text. | |
border-style | String | Determines the type of line in the component. | solid | |
icon-pack | String | Icon Pack Class Name | Icon Pack to be used. If not set, icon will default to Material Icons. ex. FA4 uses fa or fas, FA5 uses fas, far, or fal. | material-icons |