# Getting Started

Vuesax is a library of Vuejs components that facilitates front-end development and streamlines work with great visual quality.

# Quick-start CDN

Start a project quickly using a CDN and let Vuesax do the magic.

play_arrow Try this lesson on Scrimba

# Install in project via NPM or YARN

# install
npm install vuesax # OR yarn add vuesax

# Use

Vuesax is a Vuejs library. To use it, add the code below:

import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuesax from 'vuesax'

import 'vuesax/dist/vuesax.css' //Vuesax styles
Vue.use(Vuesax, {
  // options here

All options

# Or use individual components:

import Vue from 'vue'
import { vsButton, vsSelect, vsPopup } from 'vuesax'
import 'vuesax/dist/vuesax.css'


# Material Icons

Material icons used by this framework are currently not included. Please add them manually or add to your project for self hosting via:

npm install material-icons --save

Then Import it to your project:

import 'material-icons/iconfont/material-icons.css';

Also, please check the available icons from the following. https://material.io/tools/icons/

# Lusaxweb

This library was created and is supported by Lusaxweb


Name Type Parameters Description default
rtl Boolean enable or disable RTL false